
Showing posts from December, 2018

SecureDash Review - The best way to secure your website from hackers

As an internet website owner or blogger, the biggest fear is security. Imagine that you had to work very hard on your website, but suddenly all your work was transformed or completely wiped out by a hacker? It is really terrible! This not only affects you but also your reputation and your customers. In my experience – and perhaps your experience also – people come in two flavors: good people and bad people. Bad people like to: - See what others have in their email inbox (snooping) - Poke around un-secured servers (hacking) - Check to see if your databases are secure (hijacking) - Steal your customer data (stealing) - And a lot more... By the way, did you hear how Dell and Marriott were hacked within just 24 hours of one another?! Take a look at my friend's website 2 weeks ago Look what happened yesterday  So if you own a website, you need to invest in that kind of monitoring for your website… BEFORE anything bad happens! I am going to provide you a 3-step protection pa...